
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 3. Never Underestimate Our Inclination to Bolt

One thing that has become abundantly clear, in the short three days that I've done this, is that I have an incessant desire to escape. Like today at yoga, when there was a tall guy who kept moving his mat into my space, inch by inch. I almost barked at him, but I bit my tongue and gave him the evil eye instead, which, of course, is a lot more evolved. Pema Chodron writes "Never underestimate our inclination to bolt", for example in a meditation practice, when we will try almost anything in order not to take a seat. It's as applicable to anything else we do in our lives. 99% of our time we are trying to find ways not to be here. And 99,9% of the time, we will resist anything that we deem as negative, either by blaming someone or something, or by obsessing over it, like I did the first 80 minutes of my 1,5 hour yoga practice, or by just walking away.

What a beautiful, and humbling, practice this will be...

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