
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16. The Tech Support Consciousness Test

One of the best way to test any form of consciousness is to deal with two separate tech support functions. And it's very clear today that I failed quite miserably. I find it intriguing, though, that I get so angry. Yes, they don't reply to what I'm asking for, they don't understand and it takes hours, but why does that lead to anger? What is it that I'm resisting? That I have to do it without their help? That I get so locked into the idea that they will 'fix' things, that I can't let go? That it won't look or work the way I wanted it to?

In the end, though, I managed to fix most things on my own. It's not perfect, but it's ok. And tomorrow I will launch myself, which I, btw, also have some resistance too : ). Ah, how lovely it is to observe one's own follies : ).

The Swedish 20th Century author and playwright August Strindberg wrote the play Ett Drömspel, in English A Dreamplay. It is about a Goddess who descends on earth to observe the drama of humans. Her most famous line in the play is: "Det är synd om människorna" or "Human Beings are to be pitied." My intuitive teacher, however, has a much better take on that. He maintains that when you start looking at energy, past lives, and a lot of other interesting matters, you learn how to not take yourself, or your life, so seriously. And since we will always create drama for ourselves, a favorite pastime of the ego, I would say that 'Human Beings need to learn how to cut loose." Starting with myself.

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