
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22. Lotta 3.0

I feel as if Lotta 3.0 is emerging. Very cool. Lotta 1.0 was my Swedish over-achiever disconnected self. It died together with my first Venture Capital funded start-up. Lotta 2.0 that resurfaced in the US and who became a coach, yoga teacher, writer, singer and healer, filled to the brink with life, was overall a much more fun person to be around. But the anxiety, coupled with self-consciousness, a spiritual desire to flee the world and still a strong need to prove herself, whether as a coach, business leader or Leader of the Swedish-American Chamber, was exhausting. Lotta 3.0, however, who just now is emerging, is different. She's cooler, if I may say that. And happier. I will learn more about her the coming year, which I'll share in this blog.

How are your iterations of self doing?

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