
Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 56 - Big Shifts & Big Smiles

Wow! It's hard to describe all that's happening now, but I've never felt so free. Scared, for sure, but liberated on a profound level!

Some of the things that are happening inwards and outwards:
1. I'm moving to a new place, with a roommate, and letting go of my place in Venice. Scary, but so juicy and so right.
2. Connecting more deeply with my mindfulness and inquiry practice.
3. Did my first Diamond Approach weekend last week, and it was absolutely mind-blowing. Hard, for sure, I cried a lot, but wow!
4. Am letting go of so much now, things that no longer serve me, and I'm opening myself up to so many new and beautiful opportunities. Hooray.
5. Am having more fun than in a very long time, with more singing and dancing, and despite my increased focus on my inner practice, I'm more social than I've ever been. I love all new friends that are coming into my life.

There are of course tons of doubts, insecurities and many things that are not in place, yet, but it's moving in the right direction, mostly because I'm applying my own tools on how to stop resisting life and how to become more real. Hooray. Life is beautiful!

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