
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38. A Return to Being

In past two weeks, I've launched my new site, the new programs that I'm offering, this blog, my new newsletter (the Durga Journal) and my new e-book (soft launch). At the same time, there has been a lot of traction with Quickenings, and the expanding ideas of creating events and a network for conscious entrepreneurs. Adding on some personal stuff, including getting food poisoning, I lost myself and I lost the desire and the capability to act with the awareness that this entire blog is about.

And that's ok. It's actually more than ok. It's just as it should be. I needed to lose myself in order to reconnect. The entire point of this blog is showing the ups and downs, the process, not the end product. But it's also very clear to me that too much doing comes with a WAY too high price.

So hereby, even though I have endless to-do lists, I'm recommitting myself to the power of living consciously. By how I eat. (no distractions). By what I focus on (more fun and making things more fun). And by not escaping as frequently as I've done in the past few weeks (through mystery novel-reading and television through my computer, or for that matter, over-exercising) to handle the stress of delivering on my self-imposed deadlines while also getting sick to avoid family drama. Writing this out, it seems so silly to get caught in that net of stress and the almost manic high that comes from excessive doing.

I return to being by choosing the wisdom of the baby in the photo above, celebrating life, color and the joy of getting dirty : )!

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